“This the third part of Cracking Frontend Developer Interview which covers the most frequent questions asked on Reactjs. You can read the 2nd part here. https://riya-rj-jain.medium.com/cracking-frontend-developer-interview-part-2-fef60df3d919
Questions asked on ReactJs:
- How Virtual DOM works.Explain in detail
- Principles why React is so popular?
- What is React reconciliation? How does it work?
- React steps to find differences in both Virtual DOM?
- Difference between class components and functional components.
- Write a code for the button generic component? What are reusable components?
- What is render prop pattern? Explain.
- Explain Atomic Design Pattern.
- What is JSX?
- What is the difference between state and props?
- What makes DOM manipulation slow?
- What are synthetic events?
- What are pure components? Explain with example.
- Differences between controlled and uncontrolled components. Give example.
- What is a higher-order component? Give example.
- What is useState,useEffect?
- How to pass data from parent component to child components? And from child to parent components?
- What is context API? or How can we avoid prop drilling?
- What do you mean by ~ or ^ in react package.json?
- What are service workers?
- Create a simple to-do list app with a single button, add functionality and delete functionality to be implemented?
- Implement a Home Loan calculator using React Hooks?
- What is React router?
- How to prevent re-renders on React functional components?
- What is memo used for?
- Difference between state and ref.
- What is a reducer?
- Implement Bulb Component to switch on/off
- Explain Lifecycle methods.
- What is side effect cleanup in React?
- Case of infinity loop in useEffect.
- What are the use-cases of use effect hook?
- What are React Event Handlers?
- What are error boundaries in ReactJs?
- How do you style React Components?
- How to handle asynchronous calls?
- Implement 404 Page not found.
Top places to learn React.js Online:
- React (Official Website)
- freeCodeCamp
- Follow Mosh on Youtube for great Tech content
4.Read good articles on React.js.
5.Implement Reactjs Project full responsive website
6.Build ReactJs project(Food Ordering App, RealTime Chat WebApp, ToDo-List, E-commerce App)
“The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it.”
If you need any kind of help related to this you can ping me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/riya-jain-6691b8127/ and I will be happy to share my knowledge with you all.
Checkout the link for the answers on reactjs questions:
Happy Coding!:)